“A recurring question from our customers is how to move emails from one account to another. With the implementation of our email migration tool in Webmail, this has become a breeze!”

Included with all web hosting packages at One.com is your own personal email on your own domain, where you can create as many email accounts as you want. The benefits are obvious.

  • It looks more trustworthy and professional.
  • You have the full control over your content since it’s stored on your own web space.
  • Access your email everywhere in Webmail, or through a client with IMAP, POP or Mobile Sync.

The question isn’t, whether you should start using email on your own domain: but how to migrate from your old address to the new.

Use the email migration tool

With this in mind, we have added the email migration tool in Webmail. It allows you to migrate emails from other accounts to an account on your domain. You can migrate emails from other accounts hosted at One.com but also from third-party services like Gmail and Outlook. The only thing you need to do is enter a working email address and the corresponding password, everything else happens automatically.

The emails are placed in the same folder structure as they are on the account you are moving away from, so it’s easy for you to find them again. Once the migration is done, you can move them to other folders on your account.

Check our guide for more information on how to use it: How can I migrate emails to another account?

Your emails are your own

At One.com we believe that you should have full control over your own content, including your emails. If you want to take your emails somewhere else, for any reason, you should be able to do so. That’s why we have always kept it easy to set up your account on other clients and devices.

You can also forward emails to other accounts, create as many addresses as you want, and delete them again. The new migration tool fits perfectly with this philosophy, and we hope you will find it just as useful as we do.